Saturday, January 30, 2021

Storm watch...

30 January 2021: Bracing for 6-12 inches of snow between early tomorrow and Tuesday. Really hoping for the lower number. Less would be nice, too. 

This will be our second big snow of the winter, after about 8 inches in mid-December. I remember not feeling as anxious and bummed about that first batch. The semester was over, where was I going to go, pandemic and all that... 

Not sure entirely why the old feelings are sort of back with this one, though not as much as in previous years. I suppose the disruption to my Monday classes is part of it. I was texting with Vogel about this last night, and we were talking about how teaching really is our only socialization these days. Another part of it is the idea that my walks might be disrupted. So, routine interrupted and two sustaining parts of my life put on hold? No fun. 

(By the way, it's hard to think of a more on-brand purchase for this particular mood than the new Yaktrax I bought--which arrived tonight. I still have my old ones, but anxiety brain says to me, "They are getting awfully old. What if they break?" And then I am grateful to have the money to usually silence anxiety brain.)

But, as I said to my dad on the phone earlier, after that 40.5 inches back in 2016, 6-12 doesn't sound too bad. (Again, though, less to none would be great!)

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