Friday, August 7, 2020

Cape acquired...

 7 August 2020: Every once in a while--and for years now, because I don't do a good job generating new material--I make a joke about some new task I take up, some committee I serve on and say what I really want is a cape. I don't remember doing it, but I must have made that joke to my neighbor Eleanor (who I've written about here and here) about my new position as Faculty Senate President because on my walk today, she came out of her house and handed me this little package wrapped in tissue paper. This little duck was inside.

"How did you know?" I asked her, meaning how did she know I liked ducks. She said she didn't. It was about the cape. She had it from when her grandchildren were little and saw it and thought of me. 

We only really talk when I walk by her house, but she sure is a gift of a friend. 

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