Monday, August 3, 2020

Some good (admittedly a bit boring) things from today...

1) A committee I've been on turned in some major documents today and we can see the light at the end of a tunnel that has taken up way too much of our time this summer. I don't feel elated--too resentful of how much time it took--but I do feel pretty good and quite relieved.

2) I finished a pretty decent draft of the Dorothy Allison paper I am presenting at SAMLA (to be held online) in November. I gave myself an August 12 deadline for this, so I am early and that feels pretty darn good.

3) I think I just wrote a pretty darn good recommendation for a colleague's P&T application. This is so minor--very little rests on what I say--but I sometimes really love writing these for those moments when I remember a specific anecdote that illustrates how awesome I think the person is. It is such a pleasure to write those little stories and make the "facts" personal and clear. They make the letter more lively and real and I love being able to do that. 

So: three good (if boring) things. Here's hoping for a few more for tomorrow. It's helps with the pushing through...

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