Monday, August 31, 2020

Second Monday...

31 August 2020: The second Monday of the semester is almost in the books. For the most part, it was almost ordinary. A rainy day cast a kind of mellow but not quite gloomy vibe over everything. I got a decent amount done. The computer didn't work in Reynolds, where my 204 class has been moved. And with masks and 20 students spread out over a big theater, I needed that computer to project some stuff and to make my reading quiz happen. So that made me want to hit something and scream. But again, for the most part, an almost normal day.

But you know how I know it's not completely normal, besides the masks and the different rooms and the health check forms and all that? A student emailed me that she woke up feeling awful and running a high fever. "I don't think it's COVID," she wrote. I told her to feel better and get a test anyway. And I will worry until I hear she's okay. 

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