Saturday, August 1, 2020

"Polly Platt: The Invisible Woman"

1 August 2020: I finished up the last episode of Karina Longworth's season on Polly Platt on my walk this morning. It's such a great season. I knew barely anything about Platt, but Longworth creates a portrait of a fascinating and complicated woman. And it's heck of a depiction of how misogyny and the patriarchy held her back and limited her, even (of course!) making her complicit in her own oppression. 

The ways previous, not-so-long-ago generations wrestled with the patriarchy has been a minor theme of my quarantine cultural consumption. I think about the second season of Dirty John, based on the Betty Broderick story, which I couldn't bring myself to finish because I found it so depressing. (It's also why I haven't yet watched Mrs. America, though I know it's supposed to be great.) 

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