Wednesday, August 5, 2020

In the Dream House

5 August 2020: "You wondered, when she came along, if this was what most people got to experience in their lives: a straight line from want to satisfaction; desire manifested and satisfied in reasonable succession. This had never been the case before; it had always been fraught. How many times had you said, 'If I just looked a little different, I'd be drowning in love'? Now you got to drown without needing to change a single cell. Lucky you." --Carmen Maria Machado, In the Dream House

Started this book yesterday and I am so into it. (I kind of wish I related less at times, but I am riveted.) Going into it, I knew it was a memoir about an abusive relationship (not a part I relate to, thankfully). I am still in the "happy" part of the relationship, but since we know it will turn bad, everything is tinged with darkness and dread. 

It's one of those books (have I written about this before? I need a phrase for it...) where I feel like if I am in the other room, I almost have an itching urge to go get it and keep reading. Like, I'll be sitting downstairs and I've this vague sense always of a kind of invisible string leading to it upstairs, tugging at me a bit. (Mixed metaphors, I know...)

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