Monday, November 15, 2021

My constant back-up...

15 November 2021: Not quite three months since we lost Bing and I still feel his absence deeply and acutely at times. Simply put, I still miss him very much. But I am so blessed to have Wes and (even--ha!) Veronica around. 

Veronica seems to miss Bing, too. She's extra-vocal these days, a bit friendlier, and more at war with herself over the part of her that wants to be petted and the part that doesn't than I've ever seen before. It's fascinating. 

Wesley is, in some ways, living his best life, trying to play that alpha role. It makes me happy for him, but also sad that he was such a beta for so long. I also have all kinds of mixed emotions that he doesn't miss Bing more. It's complicated. 

One thing that remains the same, though--and something that I am so grateful for--is that they are both very present. I am rarely alone in a room. And there is nothing more comforting and heart-warming than to find Wes in his favorite spot, backing me up. 

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