Saturday, November 20, 2021

Little sister's birthday...

20 November 2021: When we were little, Erin being upset about something would just devastate me. I have this memory of her crying because she didn't want to go to bed and being so sad, that I sobbed myself. I remember her crying while lining up at school in the morning when she had to be away from my mom all day for the first time. I would watch her from my line and hide my own tears because it was hard for me to explain why I was upset without feeling embarrassed. I was in fourth grade and should be stronger, after all. Just last week, we talked on the phone and she had a really bad cold. That same feeling came back again; I just feel so bad when she feels bad and feel like I need to fix it (which I just can't do). 

Today is Erin's (and Kelsie's) birthday. When I called her earlier, she sounded better, but said it has shifted to an ear infection and she was still quite uncomfortable. So yeah: I feel bad, too, and wish I could make it better. 

So this is a weird birthday tribute to her, I guess: my first best friend and still one of my favorite people after all these years. 

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