Friday, November 26, 2021

Joe Pera Talks With You

26 November 2021: Since it's been on my mind most of break, as I've caught up on all the episodes, I've spent a lot of time today thinking about the fantastic Joe Pera Talks With You. I listened to two episodes of Bullseye--one with Jo Firestone, one with Pera--and read a bunch of essays about the show. I just can't put into words how lovely and moving it is--and funny, too. It's such a smart, gentle show about paying attention to others and the details of our lives that make us happy. This Vox article says it pretty well.

I learned this evening that a friend/former student passed away, so that's got me thinking about the Big Stuff. And Joe Pera is pretty good for thinking about the Big Stuff. Maybe I'll start a re-watch.  

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