Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Deep breaths, continued...

4 November 2020: Oh, the highs and lows of the last 24 hours! I could write and write forever, but I am pretty darn tired and it's just enough to note that I have hope in the midst of being so sad that it's this close.

Also spent a good portion of the afternoon at the vet with Bing. I sat in the car (waiting room is still closed due to COVID) for over an hour while he had tests. My mind went so many places, including some deep despair. Amazingly, the news turned out to be pretty good for an 18 year-old. He's on some medicine for asthma and we'll see. I know his days are winding down--it just has to be true mathematically--but other than these symptoms and some weight loss (might be related), he still seems so happy and fine. I will take all the good days I can get with him, gratefully.

But tired. Need a good night's sleep tonight...and a final call from another state to put Biden over the line would help. 

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