Thursday, January 6, 2022

Winter Break Goal List: Done!

6 January 2022: On the first anniversary of a horrifying surreal event, it was an otherwise quiet day around here. But one big achievement? I marked the final items off of my "Winter Break Goal List." It was not a terribly ambitious list, but it wasn't nothing, either. And, as I mentioned yesterday, this even gives me some time to bust out a decent draft of the book entry I am working on. 

Now that I think about it, I managed to get work done on all the parts of my job: teaching prep, Faculty Senate President stuff, Assistant Dean stuff, and some writing (just a page, again, but that's okay) for the book. As the snow sets in on a cold night, with all the usual worries pressing in a bit, this is a comforting realization. Time for some TV (finally starting Yellowjackets) before trying to get to bed a bit early. 

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