Sunday, January 30, 2022

"Three weeks down" check-in...

30 January 2022: About to begin Week Four of the semester. So far, it's been quiet but going well enough on the work front, anyway. Classes are great--as always, the best part of my job and one of the best parts of my life. The Assistant Dean stuff is interesting and I think I am doing a pretty good job so far. On the book front, I've gone three for three in crossing every item off my weekly list of book-work goals. Wrote about 500 words today, too, and outlined the Hospital Sketches entry. Feeling pretty good about the organizing idea I came up with for it, too. (I am trying to give each one a thesis of sorts.) 

It is, for lack of a better phrase, a major bummer that the social highlights of my life right now are limited to (admittedly very fun!) women's basketball games. The weekends are marked by a kind of restless and sad energy made worse, of course, by the winter weather. Doing little things to push through but really holding on for spring. 

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