Wednesday, December 9, 2020

When there isn't much to say...

9 December 2020: Been thinking for hours about what to write/post about today. At first, it seemed odd that nothing came to mind at what is, if nothing else, usually a dramatic time of the year (finals, grading, holiday anticipation). But of course, it isn't that odd given this particular year. That stuff is still happening, but it's all so different. Campus is already dead--no students to be found, no colleagues to visit with (if they are here, they're in their own offices with the doors shut--and buildings are locked down again). I'm buying Christmas gifts, but have no idea when I'll give them to my family. And there won't be any celebrations with friends where we exchange presents.

Still ridiculously blessed and lucky and even hopeful. But lonely and down as heck sometimes. And so sad about all the pain, suffering, and hate the world and this country. <------ And that, right there? Those three absolutely true and different assertions? That's my inner 2020 soundtrack. 

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