Monday, December 7, 2020

Little chopper...

7 December 2020: Another day where the news outside, particularly rising COVID numbers, makes you really see the darkness settling in. I've also been thinking about previous holiday seasons, particularly just a couple of years ago when I banked some of my favorite Christmas season memories ever. Those days seem so far away.

So I find myself looking for spots of joy like...

1) Learning that our chapter's submission for the Sigma Tau Delta Convention was accepted. Competition was tough this year, but darn it if we didn't pull it off.

2) Stopping by the local bookstore mid-day and getting some Christmas shopping done, including picking up books for my hard-to-buy-books-for nephews.

3) The continued delight of this silly Lego Advent Calendar, which gave me this tiny helicopter today. I am an educated woman in my forties. This shouldn't make me grin like a kid, but it does.

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