Monday, January 6, 2020

Little Weirds

6 January 2020:

As I continue to stress about getting this last syllabus (for the Gender and Women's Studies Seminar) done, I continue to consume all kinds of potential material to include. At this point, I kind of have to be done choosing--just to stay sane--but I've been on a bit of a Jenny Slate kick. Her stand-up special on Netflix really delighted me. It's funny (duh) and sweet and charming and weird as heck. And she's just so cute and weird. (Note: I've already used "weird" twice and will use it again...)

This evening, I've been making my way through her book Little Weirds, and it is...weird, but in such a cool, interesting way. And I am finding so much to respond/relate to. She's thinking through Big Thoughts (and reveals herself to have always been that kind of person, even as a child) but doing so in strange, wondrous visuals. One passage will make me laugh out loud. The next will baffle me. The next will make me well up.

And right now I find myself wondering if the excerpt quoted above isn't a kind of unspoken mission statement of this blog, especially lately.

On a completely separate note, my mother texted us that they had to put Wolfie, their 21-year-old cat, to sleep this morning. He was a cool, sweet, and very weird (hey, there's a connection!) cat. I realized today that he's been around half my life, quite an accomplishment for a cat. He knew and loved Ryan a lot. That was mutual. Anyway, for a regular old alley cat, he had a heck of a life. Well done, Wolfie!

Getting some turkey on Thanksgiving, 2016.

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