Saturday, September 21, 2019

Saturday balance?

21 September 2019: I haven't written about my great "balance" initiative in a long time, which certainly says something about how that's been going. But I made some attempts today. Slept in (good for getting over the cold I've been fighting), took a long walk, met up with some work friends at a local brewery I've been meaning to try forever, got my haircut, watched some episodes of the new season of Mindhunter, and got some serious work done. Not bad, I guess.

Last night I found myself reflecting on...everything? The sadness/funk that lurked over me most of the late summer seems to be lifting, but I am not sure why. Or about what's taking its place. And I am still kind of afraid it could come back...or that, maybe more accurately, it should be back, since the things that caused it are still the same. Nothing is "fixed," after all.

All very vague, I know, but it feels that way, too. So if I find myself fighting off that sadness/funk and dealing with all the anxiety and tough stuff at work, I have got to do a better job at that balance thing, I think. I just have to.

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