Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tired troops...

19 September 2019: I mean, I might just be projecting onto him, but I am pretty sure that when Wesley watched me change into "public clothes," as opposed to "laying around the house because you don't have to teach today and you are sick" clothes, he looked at me like I was crazy. And then, when he noticed I was putting on not just "public clothes," but fairly nice (for me) clothes, he looked even more confused. But yes: I am getting dressed up a bit to head to campus on a non-teaching day, and when I am kind of sick, because things are so crazy on campus and we need to show up in full force at the BOG meeting today.

The troops are rallying, but man...we are tired.

And yeah: the cat wasn't thinking that. He just wants to nap. That's all.

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