Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Late afternoon Larcom thoughts...

3 September 2019: "I am so glad to be, to live, to feel myself advancing year by year into the heart of nature and humanity; and I believe I love all human beings better than I once did, for it was in me to isolate myself, to feel that there were some with whom I had nothing in common. I have forsworn that and am amazed at my past self for not supposing that there was one of God's creatures who was not worth getting acquainted with." --Lucy Larcom in an 1856 letter

This afternoon finds me working through a rather ambitious to-do list with lots of success. One of the last items on the list before heading to trivia was to read an article with some of Larcom's letters included.

The letter quoted above provides another example of how much she moves and fascinates me. I think my own progression in life mirrors hers in this way; and let me be clear--she will (in other writings) retreat a bit from this position, or, more accurately, write about how hard it can be. That only makes her more human and interesting to me.

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