Saturday, December 30, 2023

"True Blue"

30 December 2023: Been waking up the past few mornings feeling stressed and uneasy about the work I need to get done, including this 102 syllabus. Today, before I got out of bed, I told myself, "You are going to power through that syllabus today and then it will be done." (Thinking back to this post already!) So, I got up and got to work on the stuff on my list. 

Then I hit Sheetz and heard "True Blue" playing. My goodness, do I love this song. Always have. Picture me walking through the store, singing quietly to myself, maybe even doing the tiniest bit of barely-detectable dancing. Instant mood-lifter/motivator. 

Here we go, Saturday Syllabizing (and chore doin')! Need a big old burst of productivity so I can take a break at 1:00 for the women's b-ball game. 

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