Monday, December 11, 2023

These in-between days...

11 December 2023: First "in-between" day of the break. These are sometimes hard for me, rhythm-wise and mood-wise. Today, though, felt more normal than not; spent most of the day on campus. Had a couple of meetings and then read, read, read, took lots of notes, and gathered sources for my next entry. Before I knew it, it was nearly 6:30. 

I think it might be even harder to "relax" this break since I am starting to (barely, barely, barely) see the outline of complete book draft and want to keep this pace up. Moreover, I have a new ENGL 102 course to prep, along with revamping the Dickinson seminar. 

Just a lot on my mind, work-wise, pulling me in lots of different ways. 

On top of all of that, my sleep has been off for weeks now. I wake up at least once a night (sometimes twice) at 2:00 or 4:00. And I am wide awake. It's strange and kind of hard. 

Anyway, it seems to me that the best strategy for all of the above is keeping a steady routine as much as I can. We'll see how it goes. 

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