Sunday, July 23, 2023

There's just something about Twain scholars...

23 July 2023: "Barbara Snavely’s father sneered, and maybe even snickered. ‘Come back when you own a wood mill as large and successful as mine,’ snorted Snavely snidely to the twenty-one-year-old suitor. Lick, snubbed and in a snit, and who was not one to snivel in response to snootiness, instead snapped at Snavely, snarling that he would someday build a mill that would make Snively’s Stumpstown mill ‘look like a pigsty’" (Donnell 12). 

Donnell's piece is one of the most fun that I've read for the Twain section of the Year's Work essay. It's about a work that he's rediscovered--which is fascinating and importnat--but he's having so much in it. It's not just the wordplay above, either. He even includes a bit of origami at the end. 

Can confirm that Twain scholars tend towards the hilarious and fun. 

Work Cited

Donnell, Kevin Mac. “Mark Twain’s State Banquet Remarks--A Lost Work Recovered.” Mark Twain Journal, vol. 60, no. 2, Fall 2022, pp. 11–38.

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