Monday, July 24, 2023

My girls...

24 July 2023: Long day with a lot accomplished (on so many different fronts) but still a bit more on my to-do list. My inbox is tamed, for the moment, but its contents have been...let's say unsettling and fraught. I still wake up every morning thinking about all I need to get done and drift off to sleep fighting to urge to count some more. And so it goes.

But right now--at this very moment--just focusing on two sources of light and joy. 

First, Veronica, looking out the window after a little rain storm moved through. I look at her now and am so grateful she's here and healthy given everything she went through earlier this summer.

Second, Jo, currently batting a tiny ball of paper all over the house. (Her absolute favorite toys these days are crumpled up papers). She brings it back to me every once in a while and I throw it as far as I can and off she goes.

So grateful for them both.

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