Thursday, September 15, 2022

Got it all done...

15 September 2022: Holy cow: the amount of stuff I still had on my list when I got home at 6:30 today--after being on campus since 7:30 and being in meetings and conferences with students for all but two hours (spent on grading and Senate work). Work still to be done included mowing the lawn, making dinner, the daily chores, going over some materials for an early meeting tomorrow morning, and preparing for my Victorian lit class tomorrow afternoon.

I have--and this is not a joke--exactly 20 minutes tomorrow between 9 and 5 that aren't filled with meetings, classes, or student conferences. I am tired just thinking about it.  

But! As of about 10:00 p.m. tonight, I am done with today's list and ready for tomorrow. (This will make Wesley--who is currently screaming at me--a bit happier.)

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