Sunday, September 4, 2022

"Good people...worked hard and were kind..."

4 September 2022: Listened to this wonderful episode of Bullseye featuring Bonnie Hunt on my walk today. I just love being reminded that there are so many loving, decent, funny, kind, and creative people out in the world, coming from families that they love and who were also loving, decent, funny, and kind. Bonnie gets emotional towards the end, talking about her mom who died recently, and I found myself tearing up, too (grateful for my sunglasses in case I bumped into anyone). And Jesse is just the best interviewer. So good.

The post's title comes from Bonnie talking about her parents: "She's worth every tear, that's for sure. Both my parents were. Good people...worked hard and were kind." Got teary again just re-listening. 

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