Thursday, July 16, 2020

"Dancing in the Moonlight"

16 July 2020: In the midst of a long day here.

Thinking/thought about, working/worked on fall teaching prep, a conference paper, an important ad hoc committee assignment. Participated in two Zoom meetings related to Shepherd stuff (one of which lasted three hours, my longest uninterrupted Zoom meeting to date, I think).

And then there's this thing called life outside of work, which has me grieving for my friend Amber, who emailed to say her grandmother died. Her grandmother was a lovely woman, someone I loved and who was always very kind to me.

And I am following updates from NY, where a family member is fighting for her life as I type this.

And, like every day since mid-March, nothing else is certain.

So...a long day. Cue this number, popping up on Pandora. I almost felt compelled to get up and dance it out. Two-and-a-half minutes of thinking about better times in the past and, I hope/pray, to come.

I know this is a blog-post genre, trope I go back to--"a lot on my mind but this thing made me feel better"--but it works and it is, I promise, always sincere.

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