Friday, May 15, 2020

"Your Wildest Dreams"

15 Mary 2020: Heard this song today on my very quick drive to pick up dinner from my favorite local Thai restaurant.

Found myself instantly transported back to 1986, riding in the minivan with my parents on a trip to Hartwick to see Tara. My dad had bought the tape for my mom, something he didn't do often because my mom didn't like a lot of new music. But she loved this song. They told us about how this was a comeback for The Moody Blues, a band from when they "were young," and a group I knew nothing about. I remember myself imagining them as "young" and settling into that thing you did when you were little--just listening to adults talking about old times from the front of the car.

The song itself is about nostalgia. And the lead singer was about my age (a bit younger, actually) when they had this big comeback. So lots to think about there...

Not all of my memories from back then are good, but this one is. And on the first day this season that felt like summer, when I pushed back the [moody--can't help myself] blues for a bit, this memory was a welcome one.

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