Monday, May 4, 2020

Little Miss Sunshine

4 May 2020: On my walk today, I passed a dad pushing a stroller with a little girl (maybe 3?) walking beside him. She stopped and said, "Hi! How are you doing today?" (We were on opposite sides of the street.)

I pulled out an ear bud and told her, "I am doing fine! How are you?"

"We're talking a walk!" she said.

"I like your sparkly shoes!" I told her.

She did what, in my experience, every little kid does when you compliment their shoes: she stomped her feet a bit.

"And I like your 'baby shark' t-shirt!"

She did what, in my experience, every little kid does when you compliment their shirt: looked down at it and kind of pulled it up so she could see it better.

The dad kept trying to get her to say "thank you" ("what do you say?" he kept asking her), but she was too busy looking at her shirt.

"Have a good day!" we told each other as we went our respective directions.


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