Monday, May 25, 2020

Slow day...

25 May 2020: Find myself struggling with a stomach bug today. It's mostly pretty bad cramping. It started coming on last night and I am guessing the anxiety it triggered gave me some very weird (and bad) dreams and rather fitful rest otherwise. Woke up moving slowly, took my walk early, and have been more or less in slow-motion mode since then. I even napped on and off from 11:00-2:30, which is just not something I do. Grateful for a day where I didn't have to be anywhere so I can loaf this way, even if it also makes me quite blue. Grateful for books to read. Grateful for dumb TV to watch. Grateful for my sweet cats. Grateful for a sunny day that isn't too hot. Grateful for birds singing outside. Just trying to be grateful in the midst of it all.

(Also can't stop thinking about how these are the sorts of bugs you pick up from other people, which means I picked it up even while social distancing pretty darn well. Scary.)

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