Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Hints, clues, signs?

20 February 2019: On a day when I've spent a lot of time thinking about my professional future and goals and how I want my life to look in the next couple of years, the universe does seem to be offering hints, clues, or signs about the decision I should make, including:

  • A bunch of posts (inspired by the WV teachers' strike) from my former students that remind me just how much my teaching means to me and the difference I want to keep making.
  • This image getting shared by my colleagues, about how this job can take you away from what really matters to you if you aren't paying attention.
  • This poem, which doesn't fit my situation exactly, but does remind me to think about how to read signs and interrogate narratives of "success" that push us towards something that might not make us happy. 
I am not sure what I will do yet, but I guess I am also grateful for the time that a snow day provides to think about it. And for the friends who have listened and given me advice and support. 

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