Wednesday, February 6, 2019

"The air in the room is different when two women respect each other..."

6 February 2019: Oh man, this interview is giving me life this afternoon. A few of the best lines:

From Brandi: "I was already getting to a point where I was feeling like I’d heard just about enough from male country singers. I wanted to hear somebody that was loud and fierce and able to hold their ground, who had real grit and who could just deliver on all levels -- emotionally, intellectually, vocally. Margo could. You can hear her strength on her records. That is not a tiny voice."

From Margo: "The air in the room is different when two women respect each other. It was refreshing to go out and open for someone who was not from mainstream male country."

From Brandi: " My fantasy, even when I was 10, was having a log cabin with a creek and a horse that nobody fucked with, where I’d play my music and make my own money. I’m proud to say I made it happen."

Love, love, love. 

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