Sunday, January 19, 2025

Proofing and indexing...

19 January 2025: The snow set in by 10:00 or so and made my walk really pretty--and slip-free, since it hadn't started sticking yet. That changed by 1:00 when it really poured and piled up. I think we've got five inches or so? I cleared the first three or four from the driveway around 5:00. The rest can wait until tomorrow, though Lord knows it will be pretty icy by that point. (Now a few days of bitter cold sets in and I am trying really hard not to let that get in my head too much.)

Otherwise, a productive and pleasant day mostly inside. Some chores, some TV, and some work on the book's proofs and index. 

Boy, I have been worried about the index and the proofing since the start. Fortunately, though, I think I have figured out the big intellectual puzzles of the index. (Not surprisingly, not that much of a puzzle. Just had to start it and figure out what I wanted to do.) 

Unfortunately, I am so anxious about missing mistakes as I proof. I've been reading the pages aloud to myself, a strange activity. With some cringing, I am proud to say that I do think the writing is pretty good. That's satisfying. But I keep telling myself, "slow down, be careful, don't miss anything." That part's not fun.

Anyway, about thirty-seven pages done. Two-hundred and sixty or so to go.

Bit by bit...

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