Friday, January 3, 2025

More of these "in between" days...

3 January 2025: I put away/took down all of the Christmas decorations, inside and out. This is never a fun task, but it goes more quickly than decorating and there's a kind of "that's that" satisfaction to having it done. 

Still, I find myself fighting off some melancholy. I can sense where it's coming from: the end of the holiday season, some cold and snowy weather coming, the lack of my regular teaching routine, and some other stuff just weighing on me.

Got home from the basketball game tonight feeling all of this and Jo greeted me. And then BabyCat popped out for a hello. These darn girls just make me happy. They make me smile. That's often enough to push through harder times. So very grateful.

Thought I'd post this very funny (to me) picture of BabyCat from a couple of days ago, tell-tale evidence on her whiskers that she joined Jo in the garage for some hijinks when the door somehow blew open.

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