Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sick but grateful

1 September 2024: To be honest, I was really bummed to wake up this morning and not feel a bit better. Now, I don't feel worse, but you just kind of expect a steady ascent by day four or whatever this is. Still really tired (the worst part), with some congestion (just a bit), a headache (on and off), and a sore throat (tolerable). 

But then I reminded myself of some good news I heard yesterday (not mine to share) and that was an instant mood lifter.

And then I appreciated anew having a long weekend to rest and recover.

And then, as the morning progressed, I took some time to count the acts of real kindness from my friends. Hannah brought me some groceries on Thursday, after a long day and a long week for her at work. Tim ordered delivery from King's for me last night (with plenty left over for dinner today)--especially amazing since he and Kevin have had a week that the world "wild" falls short of describing. Then today, Carrie and James brought me a few more groceries.

My tendency is to resist these offers from folks. I hate for people to go out of their way for me. But this time, I made myself think about how I would feel if someone I cared about needed something or if I could do something to make them happier and they told me "no, thank you." "You would want them to let you do it," I told myself. 

So, I did. And it's really brightened my spirit to think about all that kindness. 

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