Monday, May 20, 2024

Revising momentum...

20 May 2024: Like I mentioned yesterday, I am making good and quick progress on revising my entries. Even on a day like today--when I had a meeting on campus, a lawn to mow, and some other work to do--I still managed to get through eight of them. And besides being tired (didn't sleep well last night and the lawn sort of wore me out on top of that), I kept wanting to do more.

It's fun to go back and read stuff that I haven't read in months or even well over year. And I am writing this part almost in a whisper...I think it's pretty good?

Anyway, hoping to get through the last 18 (!) this week and knock out the reading and notes for the new entry by the end of this week. Then maybe write that new entry next week?

All of that before the end of May? Amazing if I can pull it off. 

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