Sunday, May 26, 2024

Little day-trip...

26 May 2024: Had a last minute idea to drive up to Gettysburg for the day. Amy went with me, which was what sealed the deal My friend Steve was giving a talk and I was hadn't been up there in maybe...thirty years? We didn't do much--left around 9, walked around town and shopped, had lunch, walked around some more, heard the lecture, and then headed home. We stopped for ice cream at Ft. Ritchie mostly just to get a look at it after hearing so much about it in my Assistant Dean role (long story). The best part of the day was how sweetly surprised Steve and Kit were to see me (us) there, but it was also just the best to spend the day just ambling and exploring. Made it home around 5:00, only surprising becuase it felt like we did a lot. 

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