Tuesday, May 9, 2023

WFH day...

9 May 2023: After an eye appointment this morning (kicking the can on biofocals down the road another year, but otherwise, all is well), I decided to work from home today. Got a lot done--especially when a certain housemate let me. Here's a view from where I was working.

She has two modes when I work from home--this one and the other one, which, if she could speak, would sound like this, "Hey, can we play? Can I bite that? Can I steal that pen? Can I slide across your papers like this? How about I step on the keyboard and open Zoom? Can we play? Can we?"

A shot from a few minutes after the first picture: BabyCat lives here, too. She is must less disruptive, though those stares can get ya! 

Finished my entry on children's literature and it's on to the next one! 

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