Monday, May 1, 2023

"The wind roaming outside of my childhood’s lair..."

1 May 2023: Strange emotions and vibes all around today as the semester more or less ends today. Old semester exits, new one on the horizon. Summer ahead, but chilly, rainy days still here. New month, even. The years just keep ticking by and these moments make me ponder that. Just a lot of...liminality, which can put me strange places and moods.

So today's "Poem-a-Day", "Poem," by Sandra Lim really speaks to me. Here are the opening lines:

"Whenever I feel loss or lack, I imagine 
The wind roaming outside of my childhood’s lair
—as I am a child again, with my red knapsack 
bouncing lightly on my back— 
Beckoning me to run to it, into its slurry white expanse . . ."

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