Sunday, January 22, 2023

A very good dog...

22 January 2023: Woke this morning to texts from my parents that Sugie, their sweet dog, had died just after 6:00 a.m. It happened quickly and they were at home with her. It's such a loss, for so many reasons, even though she had a long and happy life. 

Thinking of her, of my poor, devastated parents, and, of course, of my brother who loved her so much. Another piece of him gone.

I texted my parents this morning that--even when you've had a pet for so long--there never seems to be enough time, so crushingly clear in those moments just after it's over. If they were suffering, you are, of course, so glad they are at rest and peace. But you feel that void so immediately and want to turn back the clock. 

This picture from maybe five years ago, of Sugie getting laser treatment for her hips/legs, is one of my all-time favorite photos, period. The sunglasses. Her little face and tongue. And my dad, holding her paw. It's just perfect.

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