Thursday, December 23, 2021


23 December 2021: Making some progress--slow and steady--on the entry on Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton for my book. She is a fascinating and complicated figure. I knew very little--almost nothing--about her before starting this project, but she strikes me as incredibly human, flaws and all.  I am already thinking about how to get some sense of that into my entry, which is limited by space. 

Having the time to read about her and do this thinking? It feels pretty good. My goal is to have this entry outlined and maybe even drafted by the opening of the semester. We'll see.  

[My post's title comes from the acronym Rosaura Sánchez and Beatrice Pita use for her in their edited collection of her letters. They called it an "inelegant" moniker, but it makes sense and is silly enough to make me smile.]

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