Sunday, September 26, 2021


26 September 2021: Finally moved the little pawprint impression the emergency vet made for me when Bing died. It has been sitting on the dining room table (next to the box with his ashes--a whole other story) for a couple of weeks now. I have no idea where to put it. Something about those little feet just still gets to me. Every time I hold it, I put my fingers in the impressions, remembering his paws stretched out to me. I never felt alone in those moments. And that specific set of memories is too sad right now, a little over a month later. Right now, it's on my dresser upstairs, but I am not sure where it will be long-term. It feels so personal and private. A box of ashes just doesn't have the same resonance.

Maybe it's the Sunday blues sliding in, but I didn't expect to be teary-eyed over missing him tonight. 

Also feeling a bit overwhelmed by all I have to do and yet don't have the motivation to do any more of it tonight. (It will get done...) I am grateful for some fun and silly TV coming back tonight: The Great North, Bob's Burgers, and Supermarket Sweep. Grateful for the little things. 

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