Monday, August 23, 2021

First day...

23 August 2021: Taught three good classes today. Held office hours. Attended a college meeting. Went to an event on campus tonight and heard the amazing Silas House read. All of that was good. 

The hallways were noticeably louder and more crowded than the last two semesters and it's clear that there are so many more people on campus. That's great. And that's unsettling. 

I came home to find Bing struggling with some congestion and not really eating. There isn't too much to say/write about it. I feel quiet about it, if that makes any sense. Just want to watch and see and do right by him. We'll see what tomorrow brings, but I am ready to bring him to the emergency vet if/when I need to. (Got an appointment at the regular vet for Friday, the soonest they can see him.)

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