Sunday, August 22, 2021

Almost here...

22 August 2021: I just spent some time going through the past five years or so of "day before classes start" posts. That isn't always the subject of the post, but it is for a few. I sure would like to feel this way, like in 2016. And maybe especially this way, from 2018. But really, these vibes, from last year, best sum it up, with some added layers. I didn't expect there to be more COVID anxiety this year. And because there is, the sadness and frustration are amped up. And where the heck did the time go? I got a lot done work-wise, but still feel a longing for something more. I've got some other things on my mind, too,'s a lot. 

But here's hoping for the best and that the rhythms of the semester will feel natural and invigorating. Until then, filling the time with good reading, happy TV, and a video chat with my college buds later tonight. 

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