Sunday, April 11, 2021

Suburban dad mode...

11 April 2021: On this perfect spring day (weather-wise), I had my first "suburban dad proud of his lawn" moment of the season. That moment when I sort of slow down and smile, surveying its loveliness. It's so corny, but I just can't help it. Even though it was the second cut, this time I felt better about handling the new mower, had dropped the blade down, and the lawn overall is lusher and fuller. (It's also really weedy, but I don't care about that part.)

I was also thinking today about how this year has marked some replacement equipment purchases. New car, new lawnmower, and (just ordered today), a new edger. The old car was one year older than the mower and edger, but all three really earned their keep for over a decade. And I guess that feels right? Over 10 years in this house (moved in July 2009)! 

Even that tree out back, which started as a tiny twig from a friend, bears witness to a decade-plus of growth and change. 

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