Friday, April 10, 2020

"This is Chance! Redux"

10 April 2020: Listened to this episode of 99% Invisible on my walk this morning. I remember listening to it when it first aired a few years ago and I loved it so much then. As Roman explains in the beginning of this re-airing, in April 2020, it is perhaps even more powerful, a piece that takes you away from our present moment even as you can't help but see connections. And significantly, those connections are uplifting--bits of light and hope for what people are capable of in the face of unexpected tumult.

Right now (appropriate for Good Friday) we are in the midst of that darkness, but the promise of light (and Easter) gives me faith. (Well, I mean, it is because of my faith, but let's not get too "Lutheran Confirmation Class" up in here...)

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