Thursday, April 16, 2020

Remembering Mr. Vogel...

16 April 2020:

The other day, one of my best friends lost her father. I can't imagine what this must be like, especially with the world the way it is right now. It is keeping me from being there for her and paying my respect in the usual way. But I've been thinking about him and her and sending them so much love.

Mr. Vogel was a great man. My favorite thing about him was how much he loved his daughter. And, of course, how much she loved him back. It was just delightful to see it.

He really struggled in the end, with dementia taking so much away. But I told her I was sure he always knew how much she loved him right back. I don't think he could have asked for a better daughter, which is, in itself, a tribute to him.

I spent some lovely time at their house in Cape Cod years ago, times I will always cherish. In fact, when I want to find some peace, sometimes I think about the picture above, taken from their back deck. I had that experience because of Mr. Vogel and the kind of man he was. A hard worker, a family man, a generous and kind man. What a blessing he was to the world.

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