Tuesday, December 31, 2019

So long, 2019...

December 31, 2019: Spent some of today looking through the year's daily posts. And what a year it's been. It started off with anxiety and excitement over POY stuff and boy, did that all turn out really well. Amazing. Spring was wonderful. Early summer was kind of magical. There were days where I could not believe how happy I was...even if stuff was always lurking, I guess.

Then things got harder. I sensed the shift in early July and whoa, did looking back at the posts confirm that. I don't want to/can't discuss or write about the whats or the whys, but I will say that thinking about the year on an almost granular level gives both a longer perspective and moments of helpful specificity. I have some ideas for how to make things better moving forward, though I know it will be hard. I am hoping to focus more energy on scholarship and writing. And trying more of that "reading for fun" stuff, which I did pretty well at the start of the year, but didn't maintain. So plans, lists, over-thinking it all. It might help.

Anyway, this post stuck out to me today in my review. Full of good advice to myself. I am carrying it with me as I head off to Hannah and Cory's to ring in the new year with them and some other friends.

(Another year where I will have pulled off a post per day--and doing so has been so beneficial.)

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