Monday, December 30, 2019

Minus the cheese...

29 December 2019:

[Catch-up post...]

This time every year, this image circulates on social media and it always makes me laugh. It's pretty darn accurate for me, too, minus the cheese. (And admittedly, I am not that festive leading up to the Christmas...) These "in-between" days are disorienting for me. My sleep schedule gets messed up, I feel guilty for not working, I want things back to "normal," (even if "normal" hasn't been great), and I feel quietly bummed that another holiday season has gone by without much internal fanfare (whatever the heck that means).

Nevertheless, these "in-between" days can contain moments of real delight that couldn't happen at any other time. Case in point: yesterday (Sunday) found me at Tim and Kevin's, playing games, eating so-good-it's-unbelievable food, and hanging out with some of my favorite people on the planet. Not a bad way to push back the dangerous combo of Sunday Blues and the harder parts of "in-between" days.

As I was driving back from Rockville last night thinking these thoughts, I decided they would be the subject of my daily post. "Counting blessings" kept running through my mind, a reminder of how lucky I am to have these friends and times like these to treasure them. And then I got home, lost track of what to do (a consequence of not making a daily to-do list--something that only happens and then very rarely on "in-between" days). But I suppose that's okay, as the sentiment is even clearer and fuller the next day.

I guess what I have been trying to say is very simple and rather cliched, but worth saying anyway--at least for me, who is, after all, the main audience for all of these posts:it can be tough and rough out there (and in here), but if I just look harder, I can so easily find light, love, support, and blessings. Just look up, look around, and be grateful.

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