Monday, July 22, 2019


22 July 2019: I just finished watching the first season of Pose. I am glad I finally got around to it. I could list any number of reasons, but chief among them is how it introduced me to a world I knew very little about and helped me see so clearly how these people become each other’s family. When Damon calls Blanca “Mother” and tells her he loves her, I believe it and I get it. And oh my: Billy Porter. What a performance. I was sobbing when he sang to Costas and when Costas told him to mourn for one day and then move on. Give him the Emmy. (Or give it to Bob Odenkirk...)

What a gift that a show like this exists. It isn’t the best thing I’ve watched this year or even my favorite, but it sure is important and very good.

I understand the second season (which premiered a few weeks ago) is even more political. Considering how far we still have to go and how much we still have to learn from the not-too-distant past, this strikes me as a great move.

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