Sunday, July 21, 2019

"delicious language"

21 July 2019: I've been a fan of Naomi Shihab Nye since one of her books was the "all-freshman read" my first year teaching at UNCG. I have always been drawn to her enthusiasm for what language can do--what a gift it can be. So I was so pleased to hear her on the episode of Poetry Off the Shelf that I listened to on my walk this morning, again delighting in the power of words.

An excerpt, where she talks about writing down something her three-year old grandson said: "But because I wrote it down, and because I wrote down, you know, thousands of things his dad said 33 years ago, I can remember them. And that helps us become more tuned in to delicious language…And that’s what we need to keep us tuned into our lives. And I think, to have access to our own lives, our own memories and experiences, that will help every one of us. And it will help make us more empathetic human beings, you know, whatever path we go on."

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