Thursday, August 21, 2008

Look who I met!

Ever since Mr. William Hollandsworth turned one, I've been saying that it just wasn't right that I hadn't had a chance to meet him yet. I mean, one of my best friends in the world has a baby and I haven't had a chance to hold him? Well, now I feel much better because Will and his family stayed at the Heidi Hotel last night on their way home from a conference in Philadelphia.

Some pictures from their (all-too-brief) visit:

Will and Burt. Heather explained that this is how Will points--and he loves to point at the camera when it's taking a picture of him.

Another shot of Burt and Will--right after this was snapped, Will lunged at me. I was surprised and touched by how well he took to me. To me, that shows what a nice job Burt and Heather are doing raising him. He's a sweet, easy-going kid. No screaming. No tantrums. He goes with the flow and is a joy to be around.

Since he has cats of his own at his place, Will liked seeing Bing and Wes. For their part, Bing and (especially) Wes were good with the baby. Here's Will petting Bing under the table.

Will watching Bing enjoy his scratching box.

Wesley asking to join the group. For the record, pretty soon after this Bing, who can be quite snarky, decided he had had enough and swatted at Will. He did this more than once. The last time, he actually scratched him a bit (didn't break the skin, but left some marks). Will was very upset by this--his feelings were really hurt. Bing is a stinker.

After a breakfast at Cracker Barrel (Will had Cheerios, Goldfish, and bacon--the breakfast of champions), it was time to say good-bye. Too bad, but I am so glad I finally met the little guy!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Yay!! What a great visit!! And... even longer than you had originally talked about! Awesome! The pictures of Will are great. It is crazy how much personality can show through in pictures!

hopefully, the rest of us will get to meet him soon too!